Friday, February 1, 2019

Why was Vegeta so much stronger than his father

Why was Vegeta so much stronger than his father, despite them both being Saiyans? If Vegeta's father was still alive even during the DBZ Super Universe fight, would he come close to Vegeta's strength?
If Planet Vegeta never met its end and King Vegeta, by some miracle, was still alive during the Tournament of Power, he wouldn’t even come close to Vegeta’s current level of power.

One way we can see this is by using the latest DBS movie as a reference. After 40 years of training with Broly, Paragus’s power level only reached 4,500 numerically.

You may argue that Paragus doesn’t have the same latent potential as someone like Vegeta or Broly.

But neither did Goku. And look where he is n
More than anything, what defined Goku and Vegeta’s level of power was the series of fights they were forced to endure. They were pushed beyond the limits of what an ordinary saiyan would experience on a normal basis, after all, which led to their exponential growth in power.

Another reason why they became so powerful was their motivation. Whether it was a planet buster who threatened their lives or a messy-haired full-blooded Saiyan who threatened your spot as the “strongest,” there’s always been some sort of motivation that pushed Goku and Vegeta to the extreme.

Now, if King Vegeta continued to live the way he survived before the destruction of Planet Vegeta, then there’d be NO WAY he’d be able to approach Vegeta’s level of power. He was the King, after all, who pretty much boasted his potential everywhere he went.

This is all Vegeta would’ve prized, too, had he truly become the prince of the Saiyan Warrior Race. But he’s changed over time. He now realizes that latent potential mean nothing if you compare it to sheer dedication and a willingness to put one to the extreme.

And that’s why Vegeta would still be infinitely superior.

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