Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Luffy is The Best Anime Character

Luffy is the best anime character, i like luffy because he is never give up and his power increse when his friend need him,

Luffy's dream is to obtain the deceased Pirate King Gold Roger's legendary treasure "One Piece", and become king of the pirates. In order to find the One Piece he want to create a super crew of around 10 members to prove he is just a good of a pirate as his child hood hero, Red Hair Shanks.He also wants to be the next Pirate King because he believes who ever the pirate king is also the person who has the most freedom. Although his ambitions are that great, he is portrayed as a carefree and sometimes air headed character. He is also portrayed with a huge appetite, often eating to the point of becoming comically fat, or thinking with his stomach. Luffy is also shown to be caring and generals good hearted on many occasions. But he isn't naive, and understands most situations more than he shows. Knowing the dangers ahead, he is willing to risk his life to reach his goal, and protect his crew.

Despite all of his experiences over the course of the series, Luffy is still fairly immature, although he has shown some development into his character. He invites several people, such as Chopper or Brook, onto his crew without having any idea of their professions. His main reason is because of their interesting appearances or personalities. He is rarely concerned with the consequences of his actions, doing what he feels even if it leads to retaliation by a powerful force. This even includes punching out a member of the "Heavenly Dragon Clan", an aristocratic world noble whose horrible deeds such as slavery and murder go unpunished by the World Government, even though doing so would result in an extremely powerful government soldier (usu. a marine admiral) being sent to the island.However, he is an extremely loyal captain, who has demonstrated at many points throughout the series that he is willing to risk his life for the well-being of his crew, even if it means defying the World Government.


Luffy gained rubber-like stretching powers from eating the Gum Gum devil fruit (also refered to as Gomu Gomu no Mi ((In Japanese, Gomu Gomu no Mi?),at the cost of never being able to swim again, like all of the Devil Fruit users in One Piece. Luffy uses the malleability of his limbs to achieve tremendous velocity to strike enemies with devastating impact. His rubber body is virtually immune to recoil attacks. As such, blunt objects, punches and even bullets deflect off his body harmlessly. However, he can be hurt by regular blows if they are strong enough.

Luffy's most powerful abilities are his upgraded Gears, which he developed after being beaten effortlessly by Admiral Aokiji. Luffy's Gears are used to enhance his basic attacks, and are regarded as different forms of his regular body. To date, Luffy has used two forms in the story; Gear Second and Gear Third. In the former form, Luffy uses the elasticity of his rubber body to pump blood from his calves in his whole body at enhanced speed, boosting up his metabolism at a super humanly fast rate.

Doing so, he becomes able to move and react at superhuman speeds, and hit with a greatly enhanced strength, paying the toll of a reduced stamina and a telltale increase in his body temperature. Gear Third, instead, activated by biting his own hand down to the bone and blowing air in the open wound, grants him giant, over sized limbs with a far greater striking surface. But there is a side effect to using Gear Third. Luffy shrinks and he can't use his Gum-Gum powers until he returns to normal. He has also shown that he is capable of using both techniques simultaneously during his fight with Gecko Moria, although it greatly strains his body.

Luffy has also demonstrated the innate ability to intimidate a foe into submission without throwing a single punch, much like his hero Red-haired Shanks, who did the same to the local sea monster at Luffy's village (episode 4/chapter 1 of the book).This ability is known as "haki" (alternatively called "spirit", or roughly translated as "ambition" from Japanese) in the world of One Piece. Known users are his idol, Red-Haired Shanks, the first mate of Gol D. Rogers' pirate crew, Silvers Rayleigh, and Boa Hancock, though she hasn't mastered it yet.

The ability is divided into "colors" depending upon the person and Luffy's is categorized as "Supreme-King Colored", a color that occurs extremely rarely - one in a million according to the Kuja

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